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Speed Meets Quality: The CityMapper’s Promise

What if you do not have to choose? What if there was a way to collect high-quality GIS data at unprecedented speeds, all while enhancing safety and reducing costs? In today’s fast-paced construction, civil engineering, and urban planning industries, you are likely facing a growing challenge. For asset management, asset inventory, and road inspection projects, […]

Article Dutch

Gedoe over schades bij netverzwaring: Hoe moderne beeldtechnologie conflicten voorkomt en projecten stroomlijnt

Nederland staat voor een monumentale uitdaging in de energietransitie: tot 2035 moeten 100.000 km elektriciteitsnetwerk en 50.000 elektriciteitshuisjes vervangen worden. Deze massale operatie betekent dat één op de drie straten open moet, wat onvermijdelijk zorgen oproept over mogelijke schade aan omliggende gebouwen en infrastructuur. Netbeheerders en aannemers worstelen met de complexe taak om deze essentiële […]


Reliability in the field: How to improve large-scale data acquisition

Reliability is a crucial factor in large-scale data acquisition projects. Without suitable equipment, projects risk delays, cost escalation, and data compromise. In the world of construction, civil engineering, cartography, and surveying, accurate and reliable data acquisition is crucial. Large reality capturing companies often encounter significant challenges when collecting data on a grand scale, especially in […]